Here are some examples of my work.
AI aided Design - Creating Sustainable Products with the Help of Machine Learning
Design Research
AI aided Design is the attempt to design more sustainable products using machine learning. The system aims to support designers in their processes by generating and creating sustainable solutions.
Role Ideals for Designers - Potential Fields of Action in interdisciplinary Research Projects
Master Thesis
Design Research
The research work explores potential fields of action for designers. The eight ideals describe typical fields of activity that designers can perform in research projects. They enable the reflection of competences and the extension of roles.
Using without Owning - Designing a rentable Washing Machine for a Rental System
Bachelor Thesis
Product Design
The project deals with the development of a rentable washing machine in the context of a rental system on a local level. The main focus of its design is on reparability, environmental friendliness and recycling friendliness.